Tape It - Record Creativity-high.gif

Tape It

Scenes that I animated:

Tape It
Record Creativity

Tape-It wanted an animated video to engage and make the target audience react with “I need this app”. The primary target audience were musicians in the US and secondary anyone with a music creation background or sound interest internationally. So while trying to target a specific target group, still be able to make anyone interested in the app.

As a team, we worked closely together in all the stages of pre-production and production. Initially, we made a debrief and made individual concepts and ideations within the team, to then together align and decide what the best approach is.

The shots I animated were the beginning and end. I also composited and edited the video.

Credit List:
Michelle Boman: Producer, Animator, Designer
Saman Deriss: Animation Lead, Compositor, Designer
Emil Hammarlund: Animator, Designer, 3D artist, Sound Design,
Sol Prescott: 3D artist, Animator
Erik Thome: Art Director, Animator, Designer, VO, Sound Design
Guillermo Zapiola: Mentor

